Tuesday 26 August 2014

Dinner at Ritz-Carlton Berlin

And so, that nice summer evening (which was quite a while ago, but I was too busy, enjoying my honey moon and having other important stuff, to write :)) we went to Desbrosses Brasserie, the main dining spot in Ritz-Carlton Berlin after the closure of the Michelin restaurant.

The dinner for 12 people is served. We are here, where are the other 10 people?

Tried to lull our vigilance with ducks

Tomatoes and mozzarella. The supremacy era of the Italian buffaloes tyranny is apparently over, the mozzarella we have this evening is from German organic buffaloes.

OK, I shall try a small piece. Just a small piece. Maybe two. Maybe three. Actually, have some respect to buffaloes! I'll eat it all.

The wine that accompanies it, is the Freemark Abbey Chardonnay from Napa Valley. When you get a bottle with such name, what's the first thing that comes on your mind? Right, a blossoming valley, were the monks wearing the brown cassocks (should be obligatory brown) make this velvety wine with vanilla and banana notes. For the thirst quenching reasons solely, of course.

And then, all of a sudden, you get to know that the FREEMARK ABBEY is the abbreviation of the name. What disillusionment! But the wine is really good, can I have another glass? Thanks!

Salmon. Different salmons on my plate. With avocado. And sauce. The tastiest thing in the world, you wouldn't want to be disturbed while eating it. Good Lord, it seems that I'm being asked something by a girl that sits 2 people from me, and I still have a mouth full of salmon. Yes, I'm trying to swallow ASAP, could you all, please, stop looking at me! OK, OK, just swallowing the whole, damned piece, if it pleases you. What was the question?

Wine at the dinners are served, probably, to help people to cope with such stressful situations. The more stress you go through, the better the wine you deserve. I deserved nothing less than the Saint Emilion Grand Cru. Château Lassegue. Highly recommend it to everybody, as the flavour of berry jam, coffee beans, dark fruit really helps to regain confidence in yourself. And in humans. And of course, its round, rich, fresh taste, is a perfect companion to salmon.

Risotto goes with Super Tuscan wine, and I have nothing to add to that. Where there is a risotto, there should be a Super Tuscany, where there is Super Tuscany there is a risotto. Il Fauno wine and a risotto with a goat cheese. Hand in hand. For a lifetime. Indeed.

Here comes a...desert. You would ask, of course, what to choose: “Panna cotta or a cupcake, a cupcake or panna cota?” And this would be a very wrong question, because who on earth chooses between cakes and panna cotta. I will have both, of course. And the nut mousse, which didn't get in the shot. I would have asked for a second pana cotta, but moderacy is above all, I think.

We discussed lots of sad things during the dinner. For example, I learned that the fixed price for lunch in the Ritz now states 16 Euros. I thought that I misheard it and asked again "60?" - "No, just 16. One Six" – kindly repeated for me Isabel Steinhauer, the food and beverage director, who was having dinner with us.

Common, have some respect to the name! So many people put their lives in the attempt of spreading the idea of luxuriness and big prices all over the world, make it at least 61 or 116 Euros :)!     

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